
From The eyes of a Cat

Have you ever heard the saying where “beauty is seen by the eye of the beholder”. So, the eye is quite a special feature especially to our friends, the cats.
Let’s start it off with

Shape of their eyes:

There are 3 primary eye shape which are Almond, Slanted and Round eye in shape. Those are the primary shape, but many of our feline developed a mix between these there shapes (Cat Breed, by Jill Cavaran).  As an example, the British short hair have a round eye in shape while the Devox Rex have an almond-shaped, slanted eye.

Figure shows the eye of a British shorthair cat  (Round shape)/ Gambar rajah menunjukkan  mata kucing baka "British Shorthair" 

Eye colour:

From our science books, they say eye colour or eye pigments are controlled by the genes themselves. For our little furballs, the colours involve are usually revolved around blue, yellow-toned and green-toned in colour.

  • Blue eyes are recessive aka not that common due to the lack of pigmentation in the eye. Thus, the blue colour acts as a mechanism to allow higher absorption of sunlight for usage of the body to produce vitamin D.
That why our little guys with blue eyes are usually seen in light-starved region including Malaysia.

  •  Yellow-toned eyes are usually found in cats with close related to wildcats. Some copper eyes (Which gives that wild look) cats may change to this colour as age proceed.

  • Green-toned eye are the most dominant colour in the feline families. Many pure breed and mix breed have this colour of eyes.
Do you know that young kittens change their eye colour from blue to their specific adult colour eye: whether yellow-toned, green-toned or he same old-same old blue colour as they mature (At 12 weeks of age) . Such a wonder isn’t it.

Signing off, pawfriends

Dari mata seekor Kucing

"Kecantikan itu merupakan keindahan yang ilahi bagi hanya untuk mereka yang membuka mata mereka kepadanya". Klau mata ini dapat menceritakan keindahan kepada kita, apatah lagi ia pada kucing kita kan?

Pendekkan cerita:

This is my cat Pepper, with his slanted almond eyes/ Ni adik Pepper dengan matanya yang  berbentung campuran badam dan miring sedikit.

Bentuk mata:

Terdapat 3 bentuk asas iaitu bentuk badam, miring dan bulat. Itu merupakan bentuk asas mata si comel tetapi kebiasaannya, bentuknya bercampur-campur (Menurut Cat Breed, by Jill Cavaran). Contohnya seperti British short hair yang mempunya mata bulat manakala Devox Rex mempunyai bentuk mata campuran antara bentuk miring dan badam. 

Warna mata:

Dari buku sains kita, Gen kita menguasai warna mata atau pigmen mata kita. Untuk si comel kita, warna asas mata mereka adalah diantara biru, kuning dan hijau.

  • Mata biru merupakan resesif atau kurang pigmentasi di dalam mata. Oleh sebab itu, warna biru dapat berfungsi untuk membenarkan penyerapan cahaya matahari agar dapat membantu badan dalam memproses vitamin D.

Sebab itu kebanyakkan si comel bermata biru ini kerap dijumpai di kawasan yang menerima banyak cahaya matahari seperti di Malaysia

  • Mata Kuning kebiasaan di kaitkan dengan kucing liar (wildcats). Ada segelintir mata adik-adik berwarna tembaga (Menampakkan ia liar) apabila ia berusia.

  • Warna mata hijau pula merupakan warna yang paling dominan dalam kucing. Kebanyakkan baka tulen dan baka campuran mempunyai warna mata ini.

 Namun begitu...
Bukan semua mata anak kucing yang berwarna biru kekal biru. Ada segelintir akan berubah warna dari biru ke kuning atau hijau apabila dia mencapai usia matang (12 minggu). Menarikkan!...

Hingga di sini sahaja,


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