Travel Cat Guide with Pawfriend: Be Considerable

English Version:
Be Considerate: Public Orientation with cats
Hi KoolKatz! You probably heard many complaints of people in flights and cars bringing animals on boards without caging their animals cause quite the hassle...I know, I know, "my animal is innocent!", "I promised they'll behave.", I truly trust you. But have you ever wonder if the person beside you had a dark history with animals? like being scratched by a cat? or bitten by a cat? or they just merely have a phobia with cats. I've seen this happen during my high school. A cat as innocent as it comes to her for food, she jumps up the table and cried for help as if it was a lion getting ready for the kill. I'm exaggerating it😅 But basically, from my point of view, I could see pure fear and that's not a healthy relationship that we want to make right? we want a happy cat and I relationship to happen and that is why I'm going to give you the tips for bringing your cats on board in the car or flight with you! without scaring other people please😂 part.
Maggie and her toy, soo cute / Maggie dan permainan tikus dia...awe, comel
Tip No. 1#
Put your cat in a cage
Cats can be quite stubborn to be put in there. Probably because they don't have enough space in their cage, they have a bad experience in it or they don't familiarize with it. So, before we bring the cat travelling, try letting the cat explore in and out of the cage by placing the cage where the cat can roam and familiarize. Then, you can add the sweethearts' toys or favourite blanket in the cage so that the cat feels more comfortable. Lastly, don't panic. I know, the first time around, the cat will go all grumpy and try to break free, but you must be stern and let the cat adjust to the cage. That way, hopefully, they would stay in the cage without any problems.

Tip No. 2#
Ask the person next to you if they're ok with the animals
People always forget that not everyone is good with our sweetheart. And believe me, they're not an animal hater, they just feel uncomfortable with having it near them. So, the wise thing to do is:
1) you could place your cat where the person next to you would not be bothered. Like you could sit next to the person and place your cat on the other side of the flight.
2)or you could place their cages either under your feet or at the backseat of the car. Make sure the people in the backseat does not bother having the cat too, just in case if there are people sitting.
Unless they want to interact with your cat or comfortable around cats them, sure you could place fluffy there near them.
Muffin (My cat), not outside of the cage, inside of the cage...Iyoyo...haha/ Muffin (Kucing saya) bukan luar sangkar, dalam sangka...aduhai sayang, haha
Tip No. 3#
Never open your cage or your zip cage around people

People who are afraid of a cat or even some cat lovers may think that there is a slight chance of being bitten or scratch by it and they DO NOT WANT that chance. So, it's better to zip it up or lock your cage well. It's always best to keep good ethical manners and ensure we can ensure our cat is well enough to be around people. It may be insane for a while as cats tend to try breaking free, but you need to tolerate and show that you can be a good owner to your cat and to the other people by keeping your cat in check.
From all that I have said, We may have a grumpy cat by the end of the first day of travelling but It will get better eventually. Also, I need to remind you KoolKatz, we are here to help people see that we and the cat can tolerate with other people and produce a good relationship in public areas. Even better, we can help people see that animals can well behave and loved by all. We can also produce and reach out more cat lovers too. So, let make a good healthy relationship by ensuring our cat can stay with us throughout our daily life.

Versi Bahasa Melayu:
Bertoleransi : Dikhalayak Awam bersama kucing
Hai KoolKatz! Mesti anda pernah dengar rungutan orang yang menaiki kapal terbang dan kereta  yang membawa haiwan peliharaan bahawa si kecil ni buat sedikit masalah...Ye, saya tahu apa anda fikirkan. Saya percaya kucing anda semua baik-baik belaka, malah ada yang berkelakuan sopan di khalayak orang ramai. Namun begitu, pernahkah anda terfikir kemungkinan orang yang duduk di sebelah anda mempunyai sejarah gelap bersama kucing? seperti dicakar atau digigit oleh Si kecil? atau hanya kerana dia mempunyai fobia kucing. Pernah sekali saya terlihat seorang pelajar melompat ke atas meja hanya kerana seekor anak kucing datang kearahnya untuk makan ketika saya di sekolah menengah. Bagaikan dia terserempak dengan singa yang akan membahang dia... kemungkinan saya berlebih-lebih bab ni dengan versi singa tu, tapi itu dari pendapat saya, kelihatan pelajar tersebut dalam ketakutan dan itu bukan hubngan yang sohat yang kita ingin lakukan, betul? Kita ingin hubungan manusia dan haiwan yang baik-baik sahaja, betul tak...oleh sebab itu, saya akan memberi tips bagaimana anda membawa si comel ke khalayak orang ramai di kapal terbang atau di dalam kereta bersama anda, tanpa menakutkan orang lain.

Tip No. 1#
Letak kucing anda dalam sangkar
Saya tahu kucing ni sedikit degil untuk diletakkan dalam sangkar. Hal ini kerana mereka tidak suka akan kawasan yang sempit, mempunyai pengalaman buruk atau tidak berapa kenal kawasan sangkar tersebut. Oleh sebab itu, sebelum kucing dibawa berjalan, biar si comel meneroka kawasan sangkar dengan meletakkan sangkar di kawasan yang boleh dia berjalan dan membiasakan diri. Anda juga boleh letak permainan dia atau selimut kegemaran di dalam sangkar tersebut untuk lebih selesa. Akhir sekali, jangan panik jika kucing anda berasa sedikit marah atau cuba untuk keluar sangkar. Biar kucing tersebut membiasakan diri mereka dalam sangkar tersebut dan harap dia duduk di dalam sangkar dengan baik.

Tip No. 2#
Tanya mereka yang duduk di sebelah anda jika mereka 'Ok' dengan kucing
Kebiasaan, kita lupa bukan semua orang baik sahaja dengan kehadiran si comel kita. Dan percayalah, bukan mereka tidak suka haiwan, mereka hanya tidak biasa dengan kehadiran kucing dengan mereka. Oleh hal demikian, perkara yang boleh kita lakukan adalah:
1) letakkan kucing anda di sebelah anda dan anda duduk di tengah-tangah antara penumpang lain dan kucing anda.
2)atau letakkan kucing anda di bawah kaki anda atau di belakang kereta. Pastikan orang belakang tidak ada masalah dengan kucing tersebut jika ada penumpang di belakang.

Kecuali jika mereka ingin berinteraksi dengan kucing anda atau selesa dengan kucing anda bersama mereka, anda boleh letak si comel bersama anda.

Tip No. 3#
Jangan buka sangkar anda di khalayak ramai
Ada orang yang takut kucing atau yang suka kucing berfikiran jika sangkar terbuka atau kucing tersebut di pembukaan luar,ada kemungkinan besar kucing tersebut mengigit atau mencakar. Oleh hal demikian, lebih baik jika anda mengunci atau zip sangkar anda di khalayak ramai bagi mengelakkan perkara ini berlaku. Saya tahu, si comel akan cuba untuk keluar sekali sekala. Tapi anda perlu melaksanakan tugas anda sebagai pemilik kcing yang beradap pada orang luar dan kucing dengan memastikan si comel di kawasan sangkar buat sementara waktu.
Make sure its zip properly, right Maggie/ Pastikan rapi tutup tu...kan Maggie?
Dari apa yang saya katakan, kemungkinan kita akan ada si comel yang garang macam harimau pada akhir hari...haha. Tapi ia akan menjadi lebih mudah....insyaallah. Saya juga perlu ingatkan KoolKatz, kita di sini turut adalah untuk membantu orang luar dan kucing kita mempunyai hubungan yang baik dan membina masa hadapan di mana haiwan dan manusia dapat hidup bersama dengan harmoni. Dan insyaallah terus mengekalkan hubungan sihat ini bagi memastikan si comel sentiasa bersama kita sepanjang kehidupan seharian kita.

Sampai di sini sahaja,
Thank you to all contributers/Terima kasih kepada semua yang membantu saya 
My family (The kayzies) especially My Mom, Maziah, Auntie Ritza and family and the cats (Maggie and Muffin)/ Keluanga saya (Kayzie) terutama ibu saya, Maziah, Auntie Ritza sekeluarga dan si comel (Maggie dan Muffin)

For those who are afraid of cats... Don't worry, cause we listen to your cries and well provide the best human and cat relationship we can make together/ Kepada sesiapa yang takutkan kucing...Jangan risau, kami mendengar dan akan cuba membina hubingan yang baik antara manusia dan kucing bersama


  1. Tonkinese cats are an Asian domesticated cat breed developed from the crossbreeding of Siamese with the Burmese. They share many of the same parents' unique, energetic, and playful characteristics and here are equally distinctive by a short, stubby tail in various shades of white.

  2. You can also use vinegar to clean the crate. This is a natural way to kill bacteria and keep the cat healthy. If you are worried about the smell, you can mix half a cup of vinegar with warm water and leave it for a few minutes. If you want to get more interesting details about cat guide, you may go here.


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