
 Why do cat's like to sleep???
In average, cats can sleep from 15 hours up to 20 hours per day.
Well, there are several theories to answer that question.
Cats are usually active at night or very early in the morning (This is to avoid any predators-dogs).This consider them as crepuscular(Spanish word for twilight).
Some cats are more likely to follow sleeping patterns obeyed by feeding schedules.
Others may sleep longer during rainy days just because of normal reaction with the environment (like us, they are also easily yawn during cold weathers)                                    
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          kitten nap/
                                                                                                   waktu tidur anak kucing

                                                                                         Pawfriends signing off.

Kenapa si comel minat tidur???
Dalam purata, kucing tidur di antara 15 hingga 20 jam sehari.
Terdapat beberapa teori untuk menjawab persoalan ini...

Kucing biasanya aktif waktu malam atau pagi subuh( hal ini bagi mengelakan pemangsa- anjing).
Sebab itulah si comel ini dikira sebagai crepuscular(Perkataan sepanyol bagi senja)

Ada juga yang waktu tidurnya mengikut waktu makan mereka.
Dan ada segelintir tidur waktu hujan kerana tindak balas semula jadi antara si comel dengan pengaruh luaran(seperti kita , mereka turut senang mengantuk ketika cuaca sejuk  )


                                                                             Hingga di sini sahaja,

My cat pepper and his masterpiece named sleeping /
adik pepper dan hasil kerjanya bertajuk tidur


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