My Cat PURRS??? Hi CoolKatz, have you ever wonder why your cats purr? Does it purr only because they are happy? Or is there more to it than it seems? There are a few reasons why cat purr other than feeling pleasure… you see, cats will also purr because their afraid, in pain or just wanting attention from you. WHAT?!...yup it’s true. Some cats purr when they are in pain like during delivery of kitten, hurt and scared to see the vet. Why would they do that? ... well, from my observation, purring is a natural reaction that cats used to calm themselves down. Just like laughing (cause we don’t laugh only just because we are happy, sometimes we laugh because we are covering our actual feelings; embarrassment, shyness, frustration, stresses or just to cheer ourselves up). And not just that, purring and laughter also have the same hormone release which is endorphin , which can relieve pain. Endorphin is a hormone that is released by the brain to reduce your pain receptors, thus red...