Breed it!

Hai guys, sorry for the really late entry. Been busy with my Diploma for the past months. Anyways, let go to out Breed it topic shall we... Balinese VS Tonkinese Confuse, confuse, confuse. Which one is it, Balinese or Tonkinese? No worries! It’s pretty simple to know which ones which. Tonkinese A mixed breed of Siamese and Burmese, Tonkinese have beautiful fur colour pattern (Coat pattern of Solid like Burmese, Pointed like Siamese and Mink for both mix. Our little friend here crave for their human affection and very Playful. Balinese Balinese resembles towards Siamese ancestry since it a mutation of the breed, not a mix .it’s also called the purebred long-haired Siamese. The Balinese coat colour can be either seal, blue, cholate and lilac with patterns of tortoiseshell and tabby. Just like the Tonkinese, little Balinese also loves attention and entertained you with all their heart. . Salam semua, minta maaf sebab dah lama tidak mempos di blog ini. S...